

2022 - now

Lefier is a housing corporation in the northern Netherlands. Young and old. Studying, working and looking for work. In good health and with limitations. A nice home is the foundation of every human life. The visual identity of Lefier has many colors and the desire was to give residents a face through character design. Hence I developed a new illustration style and keep adding characters and objects to their image library.

Character design

Gardening with tools offered by Lefier

In case of complaints, contact Lefier

Neighborhood residents meet each other

Receive mail from Lefier by email



In order to familiarise status holders and other new tenants with their new home, clear images are used in addition to text.

The Woonwijs reader provides information on how to heat and ventilate different rooms. Also how to save energy and money with small actions in and outside your home.

Open windows regularly when you have pets

How to recognise the fuse box, water, gas and electric meters.

Refilling and bleeding central heating

Shower briefly and then dry the mirror and tiles with a squeegee.

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