Hospital of the future



Hospital of the future
Anyone who visits or drives past the UMCG will notice immediately: there is a lot of construction and renovation going on. The hospital is working on the medical center of the future and that brings with it the necessary changes. Not only for patients and visitors, but also for employees.

Isometric design

Test units
Several healthcare professionals are involved in thinking about what their new workplace will look like and can practice there – even before construction is completed. This takes place in a so-called mock-up room, a demo room that is completely furnished (and thus also works) as it will be delivered by the construction.

Isometric banner design
Together with the architect, we reviewed which innovations will and will not be shown on banners. This resulted in a list of about 15 elements to be highlighted for each trial. These included home automation, fall and wander detection, the care phone, a digital nameplate, etc. All equipment had to be similar and shown in the correct position. This resulted in 5 test setups and 1 overview banner.

On June 10th 2023, during the open day of the UMCG (which attracted 15.000 visitors), in front of each trial setup, a banner was presented.

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