At Beatrix Children’s Hospital (BKZ) in Groningen, all care is focused on children. Together with a dedicated team, a brand new corporate identity including the avatars Robin and Sam was developed over the last years.

Character design

In the Beatrix Children’s Hospital patients can be transported by elevator. The stickers on the elevators needed replacement and this was a perfect opportunity to express the new corporate identity. A large illustration was designed with recognizable elements for the patient groups that make frequent use of the elevator block and that exudes that power of the North. There is also a lot to see on the ceiling if you are transported in a bed. The illustration has become a search board, for big and small, to distract elevator users.

There was a grand opening of the elevators in their new jackets where Stephanie Klein Nagelvoort-Schuit (vice president of the Board of Directors of UMCG) and Noëlle (patient in the children’s hospital) cut the ribbon together.

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